piątek, 27 czerwca 2014

Ankieta ewaluacyjna

Oto rezultaty ankiety ewaluacyjnej skierowanej do nauczycieli ze szkół partnerskich:

1. Has the Comenius project helped your students improve their knowledge about the partner countries?

2. Has the project helped your students improve their respect for other people and cultures?

3. Do you feel that your students have learned more about healthy eating habits?

4. Do you feel that your students have learned more about a healthy lifestyle in terms of exercising?

5. Do you feel that your students' attitudes have changed towards a healthier way of relaxing after school?

6. Has the project helped your students improve their English?

7. Has the project encouraged your students to use the ICT more to find information?

8. Has the project helped you as a professional improve your methodology?

9. Do you know more about the partner countries now?

10. Did you get new ideas/impulses for your own teaching style and/or for the development of your school?